Friday, July 07, 2006

Take Me Out

. : Friday Free Day : .

... is a great song by Franz Ferdinand and a beast to play on Guitar Hero.

... to the ballgame tonight. Getting to see the Texas Rangers and the Minnesota Twins tonight from around row 20. Should be fun.

For Sports I have 2 thoughts.
1. It is a shame that Justin Verlander did not make it to the All Star game. He is pitching quite well and is dominating, especially for a rookie.

2. It is great to see Italy in the World Cup final. Roots for them to kick the socks off of the French.

For Technology I want to recommend Thinwire to you. It is very versatile web framework. It makes writing web application easy and makes them look more like desktop applications than online forms.

In Politics, check out this National Review paragraph on the 9th circuit appellate court getting smacked around by the Supreme Court for just plain stinking.

On the home front I got a request to talk about how on Earth I handle conflict resolution now that I am married. This is quite a good question and one that I am learning more and more about each day. Once you become married you have to learn to switch from a What do I want? to a What do we want? mentality. This is much easier said than done and takes time to develop (2 years is not nearly enough for me). You have to learn that you can't ignore problems. For instance, I can't avoid an argument by skipping out to play golf and come back to find it resolved. It will still be there and it will still be an issue until I/She/We figure something out. I have also found out that in order to not go completely batty, you have to learn that is ok to do things separately. As in, I don't have to go to scrapbooking nights if she doesn't have to go the Mavericks game. And if you can coordinate those on your own activities to occur at the same time, all the better. I am rambling now but feel free to send more specific questions.

1 comment:

  1. My suggestion for your topic next week is to talk about why Eric is so much cooler than Ted. There's an infinite number of reasons as to why. If you want to you can lay out the reasons and be nice to Ted and come up w/ some for him too and then I will get all of our friends to get on and comment and vote on it. That will bring people onto your blog.
